Aadhar project is the latest initiative by the Indian government to create a unique identification for every citizen of the country and digitize all citizens’ database at single point. It will act as one stop proof that will serve all purpose. So different type of proofs will not be required. It will ensure that all Indians have individual identity that cannot be faked by others. Indeed this system will contribute to the citizens’ security in all aspects of life.
What is Aadhar card?
Aadhar is a 12 digit numerical identification that is unique for every Indian citizen. The sole aim of Aadhar unique identification number is to provide Indians a proof of residence and unique identify in the country. As it is linked with every citizen’s individuality, no one else can have a duplicate Aadhaar number.
Some Facts about Aadhar card
During the course of processing the number, an individual’s biometric and demographic information will be collected to ensure uniqueness, access one click information. Any resident of India, irrespective of what all documents he/she has, can obtain the Aadhar card number.
Aadhar is not another card that is given on a per family basis. Rather it provides every single Indian citizen with a unique number which cannot be duplicated or changed for any reason. A universal identify infrastructure will be setup by the UIDAI and the Aadhar number can be used in that system like passport or ration cards. All card authentication queries will be validated by UIDAI.
Can it help in removing Corruption and Social Problems?
This project will create one single database of all citizen in India, thus any information about a person would be one click away. Thus providing lot of benefits and solving social problems in India.
Here are Benefits of Aadhar Card Project India:
Removing corruption and effective implementation of social welfare programs
Another benefit of Aadhar number is that it will help to reduce corruption .Since this will digitalize the whole process, so enable the Govt. to transfer money related to social benefit schemes directly to beneficiary’s account. Thus bypassing the middle men who use to eat large amounts of funds given to social benefit schemes. Poor/rural people in India who did not have any proof of identification can now get unique Aadhar number and demand all fundamental facilities they are entitled to. In future the
Since all people do not have necessary ID proofs specially in rural areas, so they suffer in the hands of middlemen, specially the farmers. Aadhar card will certainly facilitate online interaction between the citizens and government.
Stopping illegal immigration in India
The Aadhar project has been introduced to reduce the problem of illegal immigration in India. This unique ID will ensure that all residents (temporary or permanent) can be lawfully identified at any point of time. Also Indian citizens can use this card as their national identity at universal level to avoid any identification problems in India or abroad.
Fighting Terrorism and Crime, Improving Security
Thus it will also help in tracing terrorists and criminals coming from outside the country who are using fake ID proofs to stay here and spread violence. Since their information will be available on single click.
Removing hassles of Mobility and keeping different proofs for different purpose
It will serve as one Proof for all purposes, so no need to keep different proofs for address verification, Age verification or Identity. Thus solving lot of problems of moving into another place, where you have to show address proof for availing any service. Thus it will also remove fake Identity proofs, which infact is a greater threat to National security.
How to apply for Aadhar card?
Following are the steps to get Aadhar number:
- Enrollment camps for Aadhar has been setup at various localities in all cities and Indian residents need to visit the enrollment camps to get the Aadhar card form and at the same time he/she will be provided with a token number for a scheduled appointment on a particular day.
- Applicants need to visit the enrollment camp on the scheduled appointment date and carry all original documents for residential proof, relationship proof, proof of date of birth and identity proof along with the photocopies.
- The operator or enroller at the camp will collect and enter all data to the system upon verification.
- Then the data entered is again validated by the applicants.
- Clear face photograph of the applicant is taken.
- Iris scan is performed for unique identification.
- Fingerprint of both left and right hands are captured.
- Thumb prints of both hands are captured.
- Enroller signs the data and puts his/her signature and fingerprint.
- An acknowledgement receipt is provided to the applicants in print.
- The unique Aadhar number is mailed to the applicant’s residence with 60-90 days of the procedure.
Aadhar is free and any resident can apply for it irrespective of his/her cast, creed or religion. Every Indian should get their Aadhar verification done not only to ensure their personal interests but also to ensure the country’s security.
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