Concentration is Actually Mind-mastery
Normally our thoughts drift in and out and have no particular pattern, until we concentrate. This means we consciously do not think about what we’re thinking until we concentrate by trying to solve a problem, study or have worries, fears etc this is all well and good. But, we really should concentrate all the time! This article will help you solve that.Why do a lot of people find Concentration Hard?
Main reason that concentration is so unpopular is because we link it to when we were in school and were forced to do things we didn’t enjoy such as studying, which needed concentration. So over the years we built up a little hate for the lovely 'concentration' idea until we got to the point we basically stopped using it as often and as correctly as we should. Then its effectiveness starts to fade. The ability to concentrate basically starts when you decide you want to concentrate, as you just read, you probably have a secret inner hate for it.The Benefits you'll gain when you learn How to Develop Concentration
- Control of thoughts
- Peace of mind
- Self-confidence
- Inner strength
- Will power
- The ability to focus your mind
- Better memory
- The ability to decide and carry on your decisions
- Better functioning in daily life, whether at home or work
- The ability to study and comprehend more quickly
- Stop being carried away with every passing thought
- Freedom from needless and annoying thoughts
- Think when you want to, about what you want to think
- Inner happiness
- Help in developing psychic abilities
- More powerful and efficient creative visualisations and guided imagination
- True meditation
- Spiritual enlightenment
How to Develop your Concentration?
To improve your concentration is exactly the same as improving anything. JUST USE IT! If you were to have something that required 10 minutes of concentration a day, you will start seeing drastic improvements in your concentration ability. 10 minutes a day is all you’ll need and eventually you will be able to concentrate with great skill.Reason why people have trouble using concentration is because they’ve neglected it for so long. Later on there will be exercises to do to improve your concentration faster, do don’t worry if you’re not sure what to concentrate on.
Hints on How to Develop Concentration
1. You will need to find a place where you can be alone and undisturbed2. You can sit crossed legged on the floor if you can or in a chair, as long as you’re comfortable
3. You must sit with your spine erect so you won’t have any problems later on
4. Take a few deep breaths to relax your body
5. In your mind go through each muscle group and relax them, to do this you simply think about each muscle group from your neck to your feet and just feel them getting relaxed and getting heavy and comfortable. “My chest is relaxing and getting heavy and calm” is something you could use as an inner direction to your mind while you relax.
6. It is advisable to practise each exercise daily for more than one week
The Exercises
These concentration exercises will help you gain all that was listed above. So make sure you read them carefully then carry them out. I know you will very surprised by your concentration ability once you've started making your way through these exercises.Exercise 1
- Take a book and count the words in any paragraph. Count them again to be sure that it was correct. Start with one paragraph and when it becomes easier count all the words on the page. Perform the counting mentally and only with your eyes
Exercise 2
- Count backwards in your mind from 100 to 1
Exercise 3
- Count in your mind from 100 to 1, stopping each 3 numbers, 100, 97, 94 etc
Exercise 4
- Choose an inspiring word or just a simple sound and repeat it silently in your mind for 5 minutes. When it becomes easier, try 10 minutes
Exercise 5
- Take a fruit, apple for example and look at it from all sides. Concentrate and examine it from all angles. Don’t think of anything but the apple. Just look at it, see it, smell it and touch it.
Exercise 6
- Same as exercise 5. Only this time you visualise the fruit with your eyes closed. Start again with exercise 5 for 5 minutes and then do exercise 6 with your eyes closed. Try to see, feel, taste and smell the fruit.
Exercise 7
- Take a small simple object such as a spoon, a fork or a glass. Concentrate on it and watch the object from all sides without verbalisation, that is, with no words in your mind. Just watch the object without thinking with words about it
Exercise 8
- Draw a small geometrical figure, about 3 inches in size, such as a triangle, a rectangle or a circle. Paint it with any colour you wish and concentrate on it. Only see the figure. Do not think any words, only the figure exists. Watch the figure in front of you and try not to strain your eyes.
Exercise 9
- Same as 8, only this time visualise the figure with your eyes closed. If you forget you can pen your eyes and look at your figure.
Exercise 10
- Same as 9 but with eyes open
Exercise 11
- Try for at least 5 minutes to stay without any thoughts
Secret for success is constant practise, more time you dedicate to the exercises the faster it will come. Reading this article on how to concentrate on studies, how to develop concentration and how to determine concentration will have opened your mind more to possiblities and I hope it helps you greatly. Good luck.